Friday 7 February 2025
Registration fee

Registration fees in HUF (VAT included)

1 year180 days90 days30 days15 days7 days


Please transfer the fee to the following account number, which belongs to the Hungarian State Treasury:

Name: HungaroMet Nonprofit Zrt.

Account number: 10023002-00005703-01010012

IBAN: HU13 1002 3002 0000 5703 0101 0012

After the registration form filled and sent, every user will receive an e-mail to confirm the registration. The e-mail also contains a unique identifier. When you are transferring the fee to our account, please write the uniqe identifier (start with the AVI- characters) in the transfer description.

If the amount of the money is not exactly equal to the chosen fee, or the uniqe identifier is not correct, then we are not able to allow you full access to our service. If the bank transfer was incorrect we are automatically transferring back the transferred money to your bank account.

After we are notified about the arrival of the fee on our account, we finish the registration in our database, the user will receive an e-mail to confirm the availability of the full access to our website. The begining day of the choosen registration time is the day when you log in to the site after you received the confirmation e-mail about the availability of the full access. Based on our experience, the whole process takes 2 working days which depends on the systems of the banks. Please note that the specified time can be valid only if the data of the bank transfer is precise.

If the bank transfer was correct and your subscription was activated, we issue an invoice, based on the name and address are given at preliminary registration. If the invoice is necessary for business purpose, please click on the registration form "Issuing invoice to another address" option.